This page provides further information on bilingual education, both for parents and children. From parenting methods to bilingualism itself, there are many reliable and accessible sources here.

"How to raise a bilingual child? 5 tips on introducing your language"
This is a short video on ways to introduce bilingualism to a child that hasn't previously learned the language from birth. This is also a very reliable website for further bilingual resources as well, especially for parents. Click HERE for the video.

"Bilingualism: how to get your child to speak your language – and why it matters"
A short but great article about families retaining their heritage language, including how to stay in touch with bilingual families from across the globe. Also talks about how to support 2 languages at home and in the community. To read, click HERE.

"Tips for Bilingual Parents"
This article and wesbite provides tips for bilingual parents who are raising their children to learn more than one language. It mentions challenges and what to do if the parent(s) have any worries/concerns. This is a great resource for any bilingual parents. To read, click HERE.

"Debunking common myths about raising bilingual children"
A short article addressing various myths and beliefs for children learning another language, and providing facts in a clear way. This article also provides tips for parents including, being encouraging as a parent, along with encouraging language mixing. To read, click HERE.

"The benefits of bilingual education in Australian schools"
While this article is written for an Austrailian audience, the benefits included are applicable for everyone. It provides information about bilingual education for parents, mentions the benefits, and the different kinds of support available for parents and children. To read, click HERE.

"Parents of different languages: How to develop bilingualism in children"
This article covers language development, factors that influence language learning, and how to help your children through the bilingual process. It is also an amazing website that provides various resources for parents depending on their child's age. As well as information for parents, this site also has learning activities and games for children. To read, click HERE.

"What Parents Have to Teach Us About Their Dual Language Children"
This lengthy blog post, from a parents' point of view, talks about language and literacy practices at home. Different parents discuss their methods on bilingual parenting, their childrens' language development, and how to teach the language at home. It also provides further reading to access if you wish to access more information. To read, click HERE.
"Bilingualism: speaking two languages at home"
This short video provides methods for parents of learning English, and encouraging bilingualism through playing and reading, and being involved in language communities. This is from the perspective of different parents. To watch, click HERE.

"Bilingualism Is a Resource, Not a Disability"
This article debunks bilingual myths by promoting bilingualism through families and evidence throughout along with further reading. The emphasis is also on how everyone can benefit from bilingualism. To read, click HERE.

"Raising Bilingual Kids: How to Help You Child Learn Japanese at Home"
This is a very informative and easy-to-read article on raising bilingual children and its methods. Its focus is learning Japanese, but any language can be learned with the same techniques. It has an easy guide for parents - including immersion and planning. Click HERE to read.

"Bilingual children lag behind in language learning early on, but catch up by age five"
A short and informative article on the cognitive benefits for bilingual children in schools, how the parents are the corner stone of bilingualism, and explaining why bilingual children may intitially seem less intelligent in language learning in early schooling. To read, click HERE.

"Plurilingual parenting: why many experts think families who speak multiple languages should just go with the flow"
An educative article about a 'pluralingual' approach to parenting, and talks about using languages in different situations as opposed to having a strict language policy with children. It offers a freer to the bilingual teaching approach without any labelling Click HERE to read.

"Raising Bilingual Children: How Any Family Can Get It Right"
This is an informal blog post about how children can be raised by a bilingual/monolingual parent, from different structures, tips for bilingual family activities, and codeswitching. They provide very easy methods to implement second language learning for parents and children. To read, click HERE.
"Bilingual Language Development"
A short video discussing challenges with acquiring a second language and that it should be differentiated from communication disorders. It also mentions the importance of home language and second language equal usage when speaking with their children. To watch, click HERE.

"Nurturing Bilingualism in Children"
A short article that discusses bilingual learning strategies for parents, along with general information about bilingualism in children. Extra resources linked to other websites are included at the end as well. Click HERE to read.

"Resources for Parents: Chinese Early Learning and Immersion Network (CELIN)"
A list of resources for parents includes articles, books, websites, and FAQs. This website also offers global awareness articles, despite only offering Chinese learning resources, a lot of the resources are still applicable to other languages. To read, click HERE.

"Encouraging Bilingual Approach in Teaching and Learning"
A short article about classroom bilingualism being encouraged at schools and home and also promoting language as a resource, and different points about learning regional languages and the benefits that come with it. Click HERE to read.

"Commentary: Raising bilingual children is challenging but immensely rewarding"
This article is about parents' struggles with teaching their children their mother tongue, but also the information is universal for all parents. It explains the challenges of bilingual parenting and ways to encourage native language learning. This was written by an educator and specialist in the language field - click HERE to read.

"12 things parents raising bilingual children need to know"
This a very short article explaining the brief challenges, benefits, and more personal views on bilingual parenting. This is backed up further by various evidence and hyperlinks. This article is also available to read in 22 languages. To read, click HERE.

"Understanding Different Bilingual Parenting Strategies"
This is another short article about the common goals of bilingualism in children. It also includes language learning strategies and parenting styles for bilingual learning for children. Click HERE to read.

"Multilingual Education"
This site discusses multilingual programmes, the benefits of multilingualism, multilingual programme descriptions, along with how to implement multilingualism both in schools and at home. Click HERE to access.

"The Perfect Age For Language Learning In Your Child"
An article that covers how different age groups have unique advantages when it comes to learning new languages, how language learners are different, and a guide for parents on how to introduce a second language to their child. Click HERE to read.