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​About the Creators

Our Goals

We aim to provide free, legitimate, and peer-reviewed sources to provide an easy way to access information on bilingualism and languages for any and all bilingual families. This also includes families who may not be bilingual but wish to seek more information on the topic.

With a strong emphasis on community and reliability, we hope that you find this website useful in your bilingual journeys.

Jess Dunlop

First of all, thank you for visiting. I am the designer of this website, along with collecting the resources and information available on this site. I got involved in this project through my university, York St John, as part of an internship and my passion for it only grew over time. I hope this website will be useful for all bilingual families who access it and can help them in their bilingual journeys. I myself am studying Japanese at university and I know firsthand how challenging it can be, but with the right guidance and support, I believe anyone can become bilingual. I hope you enjoy using this website as much as I enjoyed creating it.


Dr Chisato Danjo

As an academic, I have been studying bilingualism/multilingualism since 2011, and I have talked to many parents who were experimenting with different methods promoted in various fora as best practices in bilingual child-rearing. However, often the advice available to parents relies on myths that do not accurately reflect how children learn languages or consider the specific circumstances of individual families. Furthermore, the advice is often contradictory, leaving parents confused and potentially exposed to harm. Becoming a mother myself has made me even more aware of the need for parents to have access to scientific research-based guidance.

I designed this project with the hope to provide parents access to the scientifically-approved evidence so that they are able to make their own informed decisions in respect to multilingual practices in their families. There is no one correct way to do it, and we always need to remain flexible as the children grow up, taking into consideration changes in our family structure and environment, as well as the children's developing interests, personality and skill sets. Nevertheless, I hope that this website will provide helpful information to guide you throughout your parental journey in bilingual child upbringing. 


Jess Dunlop deserves my special thanks for making my 'vision' come true. This website is the outcome of her dedication, hard work and creativity! I can't thank her enough for her contribution to this project.


This project is funded by 'Student Internship Programme' at York St John University, United Kingdom, between February and May in 2023.

Bilingual Resources

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